Today, I just did some basic research on waste and some facts on it. I used the following websites as sources,,
<Australia is the 2nd highest producer of waste per person in the world.
< This is at approximately 660kg per person.
< Every year, Australians produce over 18 million tonnes of waste.
< The most wasted items are aluminium cans at a huge amount of 552 per person, per year...
<Our waste is an indicator to the amount of natural resources we are using.
<The cheaper and more abundant the resource, the more we are using them.
<Which makes us feel like we can afford the waste.
< Climate change is a clear symptom of over-consumption.
<It can also result in extreme levels of resource use.
<The two main greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide and methane.
<Which is also a by-product of the waste that we create.
<When we waste things, it means using energy to replace them.
<An example, would be when we throw away aluminium cans in landfills. We have to make new cans from raw materials.
<This uses large amounts of energy and releases large amounts of carbon dioxide.
<One the other hand, making new cans from recycled cans only requires 5% as much energy.
<Methane from solid waste accounted for 86.5% of the total of greenhouse gas emissions.
<In 2005 emissions from landfill accounted for approximately 3% of Australia's total greenhouse gas emissions.

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    After hearing about the impact that over packaged products are having on the environment. I decided to research more into the matter and create a blog on my findings.


    November 2013
    October 2013

