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I finished editing my website.




Today, I finished typing up my well packaged items, the juice and toilet paper. I also took some notes on the time that it takes certain products to decompose from the websites that can be found in the bibliography.

I wrote more on my page on well packaged toilet paper and did some research on what it was made out of. I also sent an email to the Whittaker's chocolate company asking about their packaging.
Today I had a look at the fair trade website and took some notes on what fair trade meant for companies, for a little bit of extra 
Today, I finish typing up the home page and completed the effects of over packaging page. 
Today I did some research on the three R's, reduce, reuse and recycle. This was to discover what goes into the process of these activities. I used the website http://kids.niehs.nih.gov

Today, I just did some basic research on waste and some facts on it. I used the following websites as sources, http://www.transpacific.com.au, http://environmentvictoria.org.au
<Australia is the 2nd highest producer of waste per person in the world.
< This is at approximately 660kg per person.
< Every year, Australians produce over 18 million tonnes of waste.
< The most wasted items are aluminium cans at a huge amount of 552 per person, per year...

Today I researched the statistics on the amount of people that are recycling in Australia over the past 20 years and was quite surprised, that there was a bigger amount of recycling done than I thought in that time frame. I found my information on the http://www.abs.gov.au.
< Recycling activities in households grew between 1996 and 2009.
<It was documented that in 1996 91% of Australians said that they did some form of recycling or reuse activity.
< 2009, 98% households recycled waste.
Today I took my notes on 'The Effects Of Packaging' on the environment and typed up part of my Effects page.
Today I went out to the shops and found my first over packaged product which was a box of blueberries because there is unnecessary elements in the packaging. After realising the unneeded elements in the packaging I became curious and started to look into the reasons as to why we package certain products the way we do. I found a website (in bibliography) and made some notes on the processes.

In the website they explained that at a 'Walmart Packaging Sustainability Conference' a company was awarded a prize because they had increased its packaging. This seemed ridiculous so I created some notes on what are some of the reasons that products get packaged or wrapped.



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Today I sent an email to the company asking for a justification on the packaging of the frozen blueberries that I bought.


    After hearing about the impact that over packaged products are having on the environment. I decided to research more into the matter and create a blog on my findings.


    November 2013
    October 2013

