Today I went out to the shops and found my first over packaged product which was a box of blueberries because there is unnecessary elements in the packaging. After realising the unneeded elements in the packaging I became curious and started to look into the reasons as to why we package certain products the way we do. I found a website (in bibliography) and made some notes on the processes.

In the website they explained that at a 'Walmart Packaging Sustainability Conference' a company was awarded a prize because they had increased its packaging. This seemed ridiculous so I created some notes on what are some of the reasons that products get packaged or wrapped.
<Security and Protection: Some packaging protects products from damage and keeps it secure from the manufacture to the customer.
<Tamper Evidence: Customers want to know that they are buying something that has remained untouched since it was made.
<Freshness/Spoilage and breakdown prevention: This is keeping a barrier between the product and its travelling environment as well as keeping it from contact from other contaminants, this makes the product last longer, especially if it is food.
<Keeping a bundle together: Bundle wrapping provides minimal packaging while maintaining the honesty of the product.
<Marketing and messaging: This is the packaging on the item that people are buying that gives information from slogans and the company name, right to the nutrition information (if it is food) and other important information.
<Theft Prevention: This is packaging that companies make larger to make it harder to steal the product off the shelf. 

These reasons are why that company at Walmart's Packaging Sustainability Conterence'

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    After hearing about the impact that over packaged products are having on the environment. I decided to research more into the matter and create a blog on my findings.


    November 2013
    October 2013

